Things You Should Know Before Ordering a Cake

Ordering a cake is the perfect way to spice up any occasion. But there are a few things you should know before placing an order.


First, figure out what kind of cake you want to order. Will it be a simple, small cake or a bespoke grand offering?


Whether you are a cake artist, a bakery owner, or just a baker looking to sell your creations, it is important to price your cakes appropriately. This is because the price you charge for your baked goods reflects the time and effort you put into them.

The price of a cake depends on the size, ingredients used, and the time it takes to prepare them. In addition, the design and details of a cake can also affect the overall cost of the item.

A good way to estimate the cost of a cake is by using cooking measurement calculators. These will help you determine how much flour, eggs, and other ingredients will be needed to create the cake.

Another important factor in determining the cost of a cake is the number of tiers. Each tier adds to the complexity of the design and also increases the amount of time that will be required to prepare it.

If you are a home baker, it is important to keep track of the amount of time it takes to bake and decorate each cake. This will allow you to determine how many hours of labor are necessary to complete a specific order.

You may want to offer a discount to clients who are planning to order a large cake or who are located far away from your shop. This is because it will be more expensive to deliver the item, which will reduce your profit margin.

In addition, if you are baking from packet mixes, be sure to calculate the total cost of ingredients as this will also impact the amount you charge your clients.

Depending on the type of cake you are selling, you may have to pay for specialty ingredients such as fresh fruits and chocolates. These ingredients are not typically found in grocery stores and are therefore more costly.

Ultimately, the price of your cake is determined by your market, competition, costs, and your unique value. Once you have this information, it is easier to set a price that will be reasonable for your customers and profitable for your business.


Design is one of the most important aspects of a successful cake creation. This is especially true if you are designing a specialty product, like a wedding cake. The best way to begin is by talking with the client about their style, and what they hope to achieve from the confection. Then, you can use your creative flair to come up with a unique and bespoke cake.

There are a number of factors that go into the final product, including ingredients, labor, and time spent on planning and production. The most important factor, however, is determining what your customers are willing to pay for your creations.

This is why it’s vital to make sure you are clear on your price points before putting pen to paper. If you’re not, you might end up making a big mistake with the wrong customer or wasting money on an item that is not worth your time.

The design industry is a competitive one, and you need to stay ahead of the competition by keeping your ear to the ground. You will also need to take into account your own personal strengths, and weaknesses, and the needs of your customers. From there, you can determine the most cost effective route to completing your creations on time and on budget.


Delivery is the last leg of the journey for a shipped product. The process starts at the supplier’s warehouse, where it is picked and packed, then shipped to the customer via a shipping carrier such as UPS or FedEx. The shipment is typically accompanied by a tracking number, which can be useful in case a problem arises with the carrier.

The delivery is typically handled by the same person who packages the product for shipping. The responsibilities include picking, packing and labeling the goods for the trip to your home. The delivery may take as little as one day or as much as six weeks, depending on the size of the order and how quickly your supplier delivers to your location.

A good delivery should be a well thought-out process, from the initial pickup to the final delivery to your doorstep. A well-thought out delivery plan can reduce the risk of a bad experience, resulting in more satisfied customers. This includes the selection of the best carrier for the job, ensuring the goods are packaged well, and avoiding any pitfalls such as lost or damaged items along the way. A well thought out delivery plan also includes a delivery time estimation, a delivery method estimation, and the use of a tracking system to ensure your package arrives at its destination safely.

Final Payment

When a customer orders a cake, you’re usually dealing with a significant sum of money. So, it’s important to set the right expectations from the beginning.

The first step is to make sure that the customer agrees with you on all the details of their order, including the date, event location, number of guests and cake design. Once all the details are agreed, you’ll be able to provide an accurate quote.

In this stage, you’ll also want to record all the information you have gathered so that you can better manage your orders. This includes all the necessary details about the customer and their event, such as phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contact information.

You’ll also need to collect the exact amount of payment that your client is willing to pay you for the cake. This will help you determine if the initial quote you provided is accurate and what the final price will be.

At this point, you’ll be able to calculate the total amount of your final payment by subtracting your initial deposit from the total cost of the cake. If the final amount is less than the original deposit, you’ll need to make up the difference in cash.

Depending on your client’s budget and requirements, you may be able to charge additional fees for customization and delivery. This will help you to make a profit on your final payment and increase your overall margins.

After you’ve finalized the details of your customer’s order, it’s time to get a signed contract from them. This will protect you from any last-minute changes, postponements or cancellations that might cause you to lose your deposit.

The terms of your contract will include the deposit amount and how it is refundable, as well as how the balance of the payment is due to be paid. For example, if you’re ordering a wedding cake, the deposit is 50% of the total cost of the order, with the remainder being due one week before the event.

You should also include a reminder that the final payment is not guaranteed, and it is subject to change as the date of your event approaches. In addition, you should remind your clients to let you know if their event plans have changed.