Laser Gum Reshaping Can Help Patients Achieve a More Balanced, Youthful Smile

Many patients suffer from an overly “gummy” smile that makes their teeth appear smaller and less attractive. It can also make them more vulnerable to gum problems like gingivitis and periodontal disease. 강남임플란트

Gum contouring helps correct this problem by trimming away excess tissue. The procedure usually takes about one to two hours and requires local anesthesia.


The scalpel is a dental tool used for cutting, shaping and removing tissue. It can also be used to graft new gum tissue. Scalpels are still being used for many surgical procedures, but the laser is becoming more popular for gum reshaping.

There can be some discomfort after gum contouring or reshaping, but this is typically due to the healing process rather than the procedure itself. Taking a few over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage this discomfort until it subsides.

There are several different types of scalpels, including #11 blades (also known as stabbing blades). They are used for making stab-style incisions and short precision cuts. The handle should be held like a writing pen, table knife, or violin bow to prevent it from being passed too deep into the tissue. After using the scalpel, the blade should be disposed of properly in a medical sharps container. It should never be left on the work surface.


If a patient is unhappy with their smile because of excessive gum tissue, laser reshaping can offer a solution. A dental laser can remove the excess tissue with a concentrated beam of light, which eliminates the need for scalpels and stitches. It also sterilizes the area and promotes a blood clot to speed healing.

The procedure can be performed quickly and with minimal discomfort for the patient. It is possible to see a dramatic difference in the appearance of the smile immediately.

Patients may experience a little bit of soreness and swelling following the surgery. This can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers, and the dentist will provide tips on how to care for the gums during recovery. Patients should avoid eating hard or crunchy foods that can irritate the gums, such as popcorn and chips. They should also be careful not to pick at the gums, as this can cause bleeding and sensitivity. If necessary, patients can have a temporary denture placed to protect the teeth while the gums heal.

Local Anesthesia

Gum contouring is a non-invasive procedure that is performed in the dentist’s office. Local anesthesia is applied to the area to numb the gum tissue for comfort during treatment.

Once the patient is comfortable, the periodontist uses a scalpel or laser to trim away excess tissue and reshape the gumline to create an even, balanced smile. Using a laser eliminates the need for stitches, which makes the healing process much quicker and less painful.

After the procedure, patients should follow the doctor’s oral hygiene instructions to keep the gums clean and promote healing. They should also avoid certain activities that could increase blood flow to the gums and cause swelling or bleeding.

Gum contouring is a simple and affordable way to correct an overgrown gum line and boost confidence in the appearance of your smile. However, results can take a few weeks to become visible as the gums heal. Talk to your dentist or periodontist to find out if this treatment is right for you.


Gum contouring is an effective treatment for a number of cosmetic issues including teeth that appear too long, an uneven gum line, and tooth loss due to periodontal disease. It can also help patients with an overly “gummy” smile achieve a more balanced, youthful look.

Recovery from the procedure can vary depending on the extent of work done. Gum tissue grafts and contouring with scalpels typically require longer healing periods than procedures using lasers, but both methods provide permanent results.

During the recovery process, it is important to avoid spicy or acidic foods and drinks that can irritate the gums. Ice packs may be used to reduce swelling and discomfort, and over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen are usually recommended. Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to monitor the healing progress and remove any non-dissolvable stitches. These appointments can help prevent complications, such as developing tooth decay in areas of the teeth that are now exposed. This can happen if the gums aren’t protected properly, so it is important to practice good oral hygiene and brush frequently.